Who We Are
We’re a unique partnership of businesses and governmental agencies from every corner of the State of Illinois. We represent private businesses, educational and research institutions, fuel providers, utilities, environmental organizations, and more.
We’re all working together to encourage the use of zero-emission and low-emission vehicles, because we know that this is the best way to protect the planet and protect our communities from harmful emissions.
And our hard work is paying off.
Our Mission
Our mission is to advance the energy, economic, and environmental security of the U.S. by supporting the reduction of petroleum consumption.
We accomplish this petroleum consumption reduction at the local level by doing the following:
- Coordinate efforts to obtain funding to implement clean fuel and petroleum displacement projects.
- Initiate and support legislation and programs that promote clean fuels, clean fuel vehicles, idle reduction, enhanced fuel economy and other clean technologies.
- Develop fueling infrastructure in the State of Illinois to support a diverse clean fuel market.
- Educate the public about the operation and benefits of clean fuels and technologies.
- Incorporate as many clean-fuel vehicles as possible throughout Illinois.